Beloved Fwenz

11 December 2011

Casio fx-570MS Calculators on sale.!!!

Hi assalamualaikum.!
Well, lumrah seorang perempuan rambang mata kalau tengok perkataan SALE!!!!.
Heels,dresses,bags,shawls; semua tu dah jadi keperluan asas bukan kehendak.hehehhh

But as a student; CALCULATOR is a compulsory stuff for us to have. Setiap student wajib ade la sorang satu kan ~ pastu kalau hilang mule laa meroyan. n pantang tetinggal kejap pasti lesap. Macam aku, aku kene ade dua calculator standby!! bukan satu kira guna tangan kanan n satu kiri; but satu buh kat uma n satu kat hostel.. tapi kekadang tu sampai terangkut dedua sekali dalam beg. even kalau aku kua jejalan pon aku bawak calculator...hehhee and my sis plak; bole katekan setiap kali cuti sekolah dye akan sebok nak beli calculator baru sebab hilang =.="

kalau dulu Casio fx-570ms ni murah jew; harge dye RM39.90; tapi sekarang susah nak jumpa yang bawah RM40.. Aku jumpe rate2 nye RM45.50!!!!

So aku nak tolong student2 khususnye adik2 yang baru nak masuk form4 f0rm5 tu yang kene gune calculator ni standart SPM kan?? Price>> RM35.00 only!

Button-type battery
401 Functions / Dot Matrix /
2-Line Display / 10+2 Digits / Plastic Keys
Multi-replay function , Matrix calculations , Equation calculations , Vector calculations , Differential calculations , SOLVE function
  • • 2-line display
  • • Fraction calculations
  • • Integration calculations
  • • Combination and Permutation
  • • Statistics
    (STAT-data editor, Standard deviation, Normal distribution calculations, Regression analysis)
  • • Base-n calculations / conversions
  • • Logical operations
  • • Complex number calculations
  • • CALC memory
  • • Engineering symbol calculations
  • • 40 scientific calculations
  • • 40 metric conversions(20 conversion pairs)
  • • 9 variable memories
  • • Comes with slide-on hard case