Beloved Fwenz

01 December 2010

a daY out with encik kesayangan.

i always nervous everytime i need to hang out with him. seriously i do.
he can't understand why is that so..neither do i.

But one thing for sure, i'm having a great time while being with you and i'm freakingly afraid of losing you. 
*buleh tak kalau i nak jadikan phrase i'm afraid of losing you tu alasan kenapa i suka tarik muka especially time you nak hantar i balik umah eventhough kita da sehari suntuk spend time together?? hee

okay enuff with the romance, sebelum readers label aku nih jiwang. haha oh nooo, not at all. Tapi kan, we did have a perfect date everytime we went out together. hurm..almost lah kan kalau tak ade arguement tu tipulah pulak. Satu fact pasal our date,, WE DO LOVE TO HANG OUT AT NIGHT. Maybe sebab aku ni nak jadi vampire palsu tu one of the reason kan. Tapi kamo orang jangan salah faham. Aku ni memang lahh sangat suka kalau keluar hangout malam2, even dengan kawan2 aku. Rase dunia time malam nih happening, lagi2 rumah aku kat tengah2 KL yang sibuk lagi meriah ni. Panas pon tak.. Lagi pulak, major reason is my encik kesayangan is a putera lilin. hahhahaha nampak macam tak cool but it is actually kind of cute. like sweatt~ =.="

seriously aku ni tak sampai hati kalau nak keluar dengan dia siang2 apetah lagi time panas tuh.nanti aku nampak laa muka dia tu merah2 macam terok gila pastu buat muka comel tengah menahan panas. Mulalah aku terasa dia tu cantik and aku nih macho kan.  T_T
Walau pon begitu kan (haha skema skema) , whenever we go for a date and wherever we went to does not matter,all i know is i'll miss him everymoment i realise he is not by my side. n_n


Ween said...

awww so sweet :))

Syera Cullen said...

thanx darlin ~ hee

Anonymous said...

romantik.....tapi beh naek moto lagi kan???